ABGESAGT: Lausanne Bureaucracy Studies  02.11.2019 16:00
n°1 Zürich | 28.08
Esther Eppstein
Samuel Haitz
Milena Langer
n°2 Zürich | 04.09
Jiří Makovec
Jiajia Zhang
Jungle Books
n°3 Oberglatt-Flawil | 14.09
Störwerkstatt (I): Sandguss
n°4 Zürich | 28.09
L. Archetti, S. Burger,
W. Lutz, P. Mattioli, V. Stefané
n°5 Zürich | 01.10
Linda Schädler
n°6 Basel | 23.10
D. Chapuis Schmitz
Gianna Molinari
Sarina Scheidegger
n°7 ABGESAGT: Lausanne | 02.11
Matthias Sohr
& Nina Mühlemann
n°8 Aarau | 30.11
Denise Bertschi
Matthias Sohr
& Nina Mühlemann

ABGESAGT: Leider kann das Gespräch aus terminlichen Gründen nicht stattfinden.

Matthias Sohr (*1980) combines artistic, scientific and curatorial practice. One of the goals of the art space Bureaucracy Studies, founded by Sohr in Lausanne, is to reduce barriers. This concern manifests itself among other things through mediation, e.g. in easy-to-readlanguage-exhibition texts. It yet remains a challenge to build a space for a diverse audience that includes people with different dis-/abilities. In dialogue with Nina Mühlemann (*1983), Disability Studies-researcher, artist and co-organizer of the platform Future Clinic for Critical Care (FCCC), Zurich, and art historian Gabrielle Schaad, Sohr will explore, how artistic tactics can serve as critical and constructive tools to open up an exhibition space – both, physically and socially. In order to forge viable alliances, invisible obstacles like bias and anticipatory assumptions must be abolished in the first place. It proves hence necessary to constantly challenge and expand one’s own understanding of “accessibility”.

The conversation will take place in English.

Bureaucracy Studies, Ateliers de Malley, Avenue du Chablais 18, 1008 Prilly (Lausanne-Ouest)